Post by Malle Babbe on Dec 27, 2006 14:15:54 GMT -4
I think this is a sound way to go about it. After all, why else would he keep the hand in the jar? "If I could could save a time lord in a bottle..."
Dec 1, 2024 6:15:50 GMT -4
Post by laconicchick on Jan 2, 2007 8:34:48 GMT -4
Note: obviously there are spoilers in this post for episodes 12 and 13. I really apologize in advance for the squealing fangirl nature of this post, but I can hardly breathe without squeaking in excitement because EEEEEE! I don't even know what to say! The Doctor! And! Jack! As soon as he said "the right kind of doctor" I nearly exploded with excitement, and then the hand was glowing and bubbling, and then the TARDIS noise, and then he was gone... Which means he's with the Doctor! YAY! << As far as I know, he is going to be on Doctor Who -- never the Doctor on Torchwood (because the Doctor can't be associated with swearing and sex and stuff, or something like that)-- but I don't know when... so I'm guessing the end of season 3.>> I thought those two episodes were really good. Jack's past was actually mentioned, although I'm not sure we learned much. I was on the edge of my seat with my mouth hanging open (fortunately there was no one around) for both episodes. They were very satisfying. I think episode 12 was better than 13, but the ending of 13 was the best ending in the entire world ever. The whole time they were going on about cracks in time and the rift and blah de blah, I was thinking how handy it would be if they had, oh, I don't know, a Time Lord. You'd think he would have shown up to help. I was also excited about Jack and... real Jack. That was really sweet. That old dude was possibly the creepiest person I have ever seen in my entire life. I am glad Owen came back. I love him for some strange reason. And I was sad when Rhys died, but then I more or less wanted him to stay dead. Ehh. He's a good enough guy, but... I'm not sure Gwen deserves him, actually, after drugging him and whatnot. I can't stop squealing about how the Doctor picked Jack up. I cannot WAIT to see that conversation. But without Rose of course. The Doctor!! Jack!! Reunited! EEEEEE! ETA: I forgot to add (now that I'm not as annoying... I hope) that I'm not sure what to think about Jack and Ianto. I know what they want us to think, but... I'm not sure I can really see it. I would LIKE to see it (onscreen! more!), but I don't know if I buy what they're hinting at. Then again, there have been a lot of hints, and the kiss. BUT Jack kisses a lot of people (like Rose and the Doctor). Then again, he clearly loves the Doctor (and probably Rose too). I still really like both of those episodes. I think I will probably watch them again, which is more than I can say for any of the others.
Posts: 0
Dec 1, 2024 6:15:50 GMT -4
Post by Deleted on Jan 2, 2007 17:05:57 GMT -4
What I sent CBC on their website before Christmas:
When will CBC be airing episodes of Torchwood, the series you coproduced with BBC?
What I received today:
How do these people call themselves broadcasters? You coproduced the damn thing and you have no idea when your own production will air? You can't even use the "well, we can't air it until the BBC run is over" bullshit excuse...
Dec 1, 2024 6:15:50 GMT -4
Post by laconicchick on Jan 2, 2007 17:14:33 GMT -4
It really makes it hard to feel bad about using other means to obtain the show when they send a response like that.
Posts: 0
Dec 1, 2024 6:15:50 GMT -4
Post by Deleted on Jan 2, 2007 17:47:52 GMT -4
Seriously. High-quality video, no annoying ads for Air Farce, cool English-accented announcer-voice during the closing credits? And CBC wants me to "watch television listings and CBC promos for updates"? Sure!
Post by Malle Babbe on Jan 2, 2007 23:20:14 GMT -4
After watching two seasons of Doctor Who, I've come to accept that RTD always saves the good stuff for the season ender, but why couldn't have the entire season been like this? We got some info on Jack's backstory, Ianto doing something other than schlepping coffee, the Torchwood gang actually working like a team to investigate something strange in a somewhat sensible manner.<<Even though I'd like to know how Owen knew how to work the Rift device, and couldn't they have mentioned this particular bit of hardware before, so it didn't seem like less of a convenient plot device?>>
The scenes between OurJack and RealJack were touching, with OurJack realizing that RealJack was someone that he really wanted to get to know better, but couldn't interfere with his timeline. <<His salute at the end was a great touch>>
<<However, after all everyone went through in End of Days, would it have killed Jack to have left a note?>>
Posts: 0
Dec 1, 2024 6:15:50 GMT -4
Post by Deleted on Jan 3, 2007 7:22:34 GMT -4
While I did enjoy the last two episodes greatly -- and, man, was Matt Rippy (the actor playing The Real Captain) staggeringly handsome, or what? -- RTD's love of Buffy was really showing through the cracks... in The Rift, literally. Looks like he finally found his analog to The Hellmouth.
Post by Malle Babbe on Jan 3, 2007 9:15:52 GMT -4
I hear you on Matt Rippy, bstewart. The sight of Jack!Squared put a whole lot of pretty onto the screen.
I do have a question about Gwen's vigil towards the end. Given that everyone at Torchwood knows Jack's secret now, wouldn't it have made more sense for us to see the rest of the team take turns waiting to see if he were to come around, if only to make Gwen a little less Mary Sue-ish?
Posts: 0
Dec 1, 2024 6:15:50 GMT -4
Post by Deleted on Jan 3, 2007 19:07:22 GMT -4
Ahh, that was better. Yay! Still didn't give us the whole Captain Jack (our Jack, not the real Jack) story, but there were hints, and a hint at a purpose to the whole thing - mysterious Tardis plans are afoot.
Yes, definitely better, and drawing the threads back in. Thank God. And I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing Tennant and Barrowman together. Mmm, Tennant and Barrowman.
It would've made sense for everyone to be in the vigil - I don't know why they weren't, because they were clearly hanging around and watching on the TV monitor.
I kind of agree, but on the other hand, I think it really showed her how much she does love him. So maybe she'll work harder at being a better girlfriend in future. I hope so, because I think she and Owen, while sizzling, are kind of a train wreck. Hopefully they'll all get their shit together a bit, although Gwen is going to have to try to prioritise Rhys a bit more.
I really don't buy the whole Owen-in-undying-love-with-Diane thing, but whatever.
And Mr Erinnyes is apparently way ahead of me, because I just didn't realise that Jack and Ianto were part-time shags. There are no straight people on this show. But that is okay with me. I hope they revisit it and show a bit more of their personal relationship - not as true love or anything, but there's obviously quite a complicated connection there. And Jack/Jack was sweet and sad. I was literally sitting there going, "Come on, Jack, kiss him, KISS HIM!"
Was it just me or did Whatitsname-big-scary-demon-thingy look kind of like (a) the Balrog and (b) the devil-thingy in The Satan Pit? Only grey and not red. Maybe they were brothers and there was a whole thing of gigantic horned demons being trapped in the middle of planets.
All I can hope is that they'll use this as a springboard to make the next season this good.
Dec 1, 2024 6:15:50 GMT -4
Post by laconicchick on Jan 3, 2007 19:17:20 GMT -4
No kidding. It's just not believable at all, no matter how hard they try to convince us it is. There's no way. Someone commented somewhere on LJ that the invisible lift spot, where the blind spot is on the pavement, is because of the TARDIS. That makes sense, because the TARDIS landed there in "Boom Town," but has that been mentioned in the show or is that just fanon? And wouldn't that mean that everywhere the TARDIS landed had become a blind spot like that? Or does it have something to do with the rift AND the TARDIS? But are they? I'm not convinced. I think that's what they want us to think, but I just don't know. And either way, I think Ianto is way more involved than Jack is -- clearly, because Jack up and left the second the Doctor came back, but Ianto was moping around smelling Jack's coat when he was "dead." Oh, I know. After they were walked in on in "lovers' corner," I spent the rest of their scenes whispering "come on, come on, come on, come on!" I did think it was going to be the "Satan Pit" devil at first, and no, it's not just you for either of those things. Along with spiders.