Sloane Ranger
Duh, winning!
Posts: 2,063
Mar 11, 2005 16:42:58 GMT -4
May 19, 2010 4:12:08 GMT -4
Post by hikertrash on May 19, 2010 4:12:08 GMT -4
I'm thinking that Richard is not dead. For one, I don't think the writers would treat his death so casually. He's become a pretty significant character, and I think they would make a bigger deal out of it. And that didn't really look like a kill shot from Smokey - it looked more like he was just trying to get Richard out of the way for a while so he could take care of business with Ben.
Jack stepping up to be the new Jacob was kind of anticlimactic, given that pretty much everyone guessed that it would be him, but the fireside scene and the one by the water were terrific and unexpected. I had assumed that Jacob would have to really push one or all of them to take the job. Even with Jack's transformation this season, I didn't expect him to just be like, "yeah, I'll totally do it".
I'm just going to roll with whatever happens this Sunday. I definitely have things I'd like to see resolved, particularly Claire and Aaron, Juliet's fate in the AU, and Desmond getting back to Penny. But at this point I don't think I could be disappointed with any ending, even if those things aren't fully addressed. This episode could almost work as the finale itself if not for the cliffhanger-ish ending with Smocke wanting to destroy the island, so anything after this will just be gravy for me.
Posts: 1,501
Mar 6, 2005 0:15:13 GMT -4
May 19, 2010 4:57:51 GMT -4
Post by vegasusa555 on May 19, 2010 4:57:51 GMT -4
This is going to sound so cheesy, but i'm actually starting to feel sad that this show is going to be over on Sunday. I was still in high school when this show started, so it's been in my life for a while. Now what am I going to do on Tuesdays? Also, have you guys sent out "Don't Call Me On Sunday!!!!" warnings to your friends and families? I know I sure have! haha. People already know that unless they are in jail or about to give birth, they better not call and interrupt my LOST viewing time or they risk being cussed out.
May 19, 2010 10:08:46 GMT -4
Post by margojata on May 19, 2010 10:08:46 GMT -4
What was that shot at the end of the preview with a wet Sun and Jin hugging on the beach? That wasn't from their reunion weeks ago because they were not wet - right?
Stupid question .. if Locke has to kill everyone, who doesn't he just gun them down when they're standing next to him? Why the dynamite on the ship, and whatever other plans he's got? He sure had no trouble taking out the Tina Fey-alike with one swoop.
May 19, 2010 10:10:31 GMT -4
Post by Witchie on May 19, 2010 10:10:31 GMT -4
D&C wouldn't allow any new scenes to be used in the finale promo. All shots seen were from previous seasons.
May 19, 2010 10:12:45 GMT -4
Post by margojata on May 19, 2010 10:12:45 GMT -4
Wait, how did Hurley know Ana Lucia? Is he crossing over?
Posts: 0
Dec 1, 2024 8:16:02 GMT -4
May 19, 2010 10:21:17 GMT -4
Post by Deleted on May 19, 2010 10:21:17 GMT -4
This is going to sound so cheesy, but i'm actually starting to feel sad that this show is going to be over on Sunday. I was still in high school when this show started, so it's been in my life for a while. Now what am I going to do on Tuesdays? I feel like this too. My oldest child had just been born when this show started, so it really feels like I've spent all his life trying to figure out what the smoke monster is... About Hurley: I think he has remembered the island ever since he kissed Libby. But Desmond is still the only one who seems aware of BOTH realities.
May 19, 2010 10:52:28 GMT -4
Post by sardonictart on May 19, 2010 10:52:28 GMT -4
Blah. I did enjoy Hurley in the alt, and I fully expected Jack to be the new Jacob, but it’s still lame. So the world loses an excellent surgeon to do something that Sawyer (who frankly would be better suited) should have stepped up to do. Just, blah. I will be watching the finale while schnockered in a huge bar that is hosting a viewing party. I’m sure that will help up the enjoyment factor. That and Penny & Desmond’s happy ending – there better be a happy ending for those two! That’s really the only thing I care about at this point. I’ll take my wet blanket self out of the thread now.
May 19, 2010 11:10:50 GMT -4
Post by margojata on May 19, 2010 11:10:50 GMT -4
I didn't like Jacob's "The job is yours if you want it, Kate". I thought someone was supposed to be THE candidate - not a casual chat around the campfire about who is stupid enough to do it. It's like a bad game of truth or dare, not some earth-shattering "You're the ONE" that I thought it was going to be.
May 19, 2010 11:38:37 GMT -4
Post by angelaudie on May 19, 2010 11:38:37 GMT -4
I didn't mind it. Jacob has been all about choice from the beginning. I never got the impression he was ever planning on forcing somebody to take the job like Mother had forced him. I guess you can argue that someone would be bound to feel obligated since he admitted that if no one protects the island then bad things are going to happen but I think that was just Jacob laying out the facts. Also, I believe the island may have chosen Jack to take over in a way. He was the only one that never really fit back into life on the mainland. He was the only that one that wanted to return to the island and stay. Jack might have been a fine surgeon at one time but that life was over once the island touched him.
Hurley clearly has some knowledge of the island since he remembered Ana Lucia. But Desmond seems to be the all knowing one. That makes sense since he's the a fail safe on the island.
My theory is somehow the Alt!universe Losties are going to somehow help their island counterparts. Now, if the Alt! people do this consciously or not I have no idea. I don't know how exactly they can help the Islanders but I don't see Desmond going to the trouble of gathering everyone together for nothing. It seems he knows exactly what is happening and I bet that even includes knowing their counterparts need help killing MIB. Maybe that is what Jacob meant about Desmond being a fail safe. He wasn't talking about island Desmond. He was referring to alternate Desmond. Perhaps Jacob counted on MIB misunderstanding Widemore (maybe the reason Jacob invited him back is because Jacob knew MIB would eventually find him and Widemore would spill all) and MIB would target the wrong Desmond. Sucks for Desmond on the island but maybe Jacob hopes Alt!Desmond will manage to protect the one on the island if he fails Desmond can still live a happy life in a way in the alternate universe.
Sloane Ranger
Posts: 2,039
Mar 7, 2005 17:11:37 GMT -4
May 19, 2010 13:39:27 GMT -4
Post by roseland on May 19, 2010 13:39:27 GMT -4
Yeah, me too. I was especially impressed by his reaction to Danielle's statement that Ben was almost like a father to Alex. He was so emotional and vulnerable and sweet. I remember thinking "this is the guy who had me terrified through most of Season 3 and now I just want to hug him." Emerson is just so damn good.
I believe the rules are that Locke cannot kill the candidates directly. He can get other people to do it (like he got Ben to kill Jacob) but he can't do it himself.