Landed Gentry
Posts: 998
Mar 7, 2005 10:04:25 GMT -4
Post by raqs on Oct 9, 2007 11:13:24 GMT -4
I was convinced for a long time that Saddam had his WMD stockpiles moved to Syria with Russian assistance in early 2003. shriekingeel, now THIS is a theory I will get behind. I just do not buy that Saddam had no WMD at all. My tinfoil theory is that he had/uncovered some info on his father's assassination and he was investigating this thru his magazine. "They" offed him. And no, Oswald didn't act alone, neither was he the fatal shot. Agree - United 93 being shot down. Frankly, given the situation that day I find it unlikely that they weren't shot down. Agree - Diana's death was orchestrated. Possibly the Windsor anti-Muslim step grandchild thing, but a better theory I heard was that the deaths pertain to the Al-Fayed connection, not Diana. Agree - Roswell (come on! We are not alone!) Hey, I'm from the West Indies. We believe any and ALL conspiracy theories; the over-riding belief is that the CIA is responsible for EVERYTHING! Everything I tell ya
Dec 12, 2024 14:26:10 GMT -4
Post by berrybearie on Oct 9, 2007 11:16:59 GMT -4
Hey, I'm from the West Indies. We believe any and ALL conspiracy theories; the over-riding belief is that the CIA is responsible for EVERYTHING! Everything I tell ya That reminds me - when I was in Jamaica a couple years ago, I heard the "Bob Marley was injected with cancer by the CIA because the Rastafarian movement was growing too powerful" rumor repeated.
Landed Gentry
Posts: 998
Mar 7, 2005 10:04:25 GMT -4
Post by raqs on Oct 9, 2007 11:28:45 GMT -4
*giggle* Yeah... that dratted CIA.
Of course other Bob Marley theories include Rita (Marley) killing him for his endless screwing around.
Posts: 1,122
May 18, 2005 16:31:25 GMT -4
Post by Sukie on Oct 9, 2007 12:10:03 GMT -4
We must be related! Except in my family they were Communists (on my Mom's side) so you never talked about anything outside the family. All government was corrupt and not to be trusted and everyone is out to get you.
Post by Mugsy on Oct 9, 2007 13:17:56 GMT -4
That's a "theory"? Heh.
As for "insert celeb name here" faking own death to live life in anonymity, the trouble with that is that they are likely to tire of it after a couple of years, and then they're screwed. Who doesn't think it would be great to toss it all and run away? A huge celeb like Elvis, or JFK Jr., or Diana would have many reasons to disappear and start over, but it's a pretty permanent decision.
Seriously, who could just sit around on a troical island, sipping mai-tais every day for the next 40 years? I mean, seriously. Even if their immediate family knows about it, could you really stand it having only your family as your only human contact for the rest of your life?
If they were ever found out, their adoring public would be furious once they got over the "Yayy, they're still alive" honeymoon. No one likes to be duped.
Although, if any family could fake grief over an alleged sudden death of a family member, it's the Kennedys. They've had enough experience with the real thing.
If Dodi was the actual target and not Diana, then they were pretty stupid taking her out, too. Talk about a worldwide attention getter. If someone had offed Dodi by himself, it would have played as "Poor Diana loses the man she loved" and faded away after a few months. Now, the investigation and theories will never stop.
Post by ladyboy on Oct 9, 2007 13:29:22 GMT -4
I love conspiracy theories!!!
9/11: I think the government knew it (or something) was going to happen, and they figured, let it happen and we can use it to promote our agenda. Hence Bush's ridiculous face when he was reading the book to kid and was told about the WTC. He was "acting" (Reagan might have been able to pull it off with his professional background). BUT. I think they had no idea that the towers would collapse - I think they did collapse due to structural issues - and that kind of bit of them in ass. And I totally agree that flight 93 was shot down. I wish the government had owned up to this when lisa freaking beamer was all Let's Roll-ing all over the place.
JFK Jr: I love the theory that he was going to Out the Warren Commission.
Diana: totally killed by MI5 and the Royals. We are not amused by her antics. The mother of the king does not hobnob sexually with the al-Fayeds. Just use their yacht, dear, but keep your bits to yourself. At least publicly.
JFK: How could he and RFK both get assassinated and there not be a conspiracy theory? How did so many people get assassinated in the 60/70s without some sort of conspiracy for at least SOME of them?
And I can't believe any celebrity would fake their own death to live out a quiet, anonymous life. They are all famewhores to some degree. It would kill them to not be the stah ever again. Or maybe they'd just be trying to upstage everyone in the community theater and the bad reviews would make them burn with rage... don't these people know who I AM... WAS?!?!
Posts: 0
Dec 12, 2024 14:26:10 GMT -4
Post by Deleted on Oct 9, 2007 13:52:59 GMT -4
Has anyone else read The Ultimate Evil? The underlying theory of it is that there is a group of satanists (I think they're called The Process) who were responsible for several high profile murders over the years, including the Manson killings, and all of these murders were connected in one way or another. There are also some Scientology connections.
Most of the book is about Son of Sam and the belief that these murders were done by this group of satanists and David Berkowitz was the fall guy. I thought the evidence was pretty compelling, but the book and the author were never taken too seriously. For anyone who has an interest in true crime as well as conspiracies I highly recommend this book.
Posts: 0
Dec 12, 2024 14:26:10 GMT -4
Post by Deleted on Oct 9, 2007 14:03:32 GMT -4
Psh, everyone knows that Elvis and JFK were in a nursing home together. You just don't know because JFK was dyed black.
But now JFK's dead, killed by a hotep[/Bubba Hotep].
Posts: 1,122
May 18, 2005 16:31:25 GMT -4
Post by Sukie on Oct 9, 2007 14:05:17 GMT -4
Has anyone else read The Ultimate Evil? The underlying theory of it is that there is a group of satanists (I think they're called The Process) who were responsible for several high profile murders over the years, including the Manson killings, and all of these murders were connected in one way or another. There are also some Scientology connections. Most of the book is about Son of Sam and the belief that these murders were done by this group of satanists and David Berkowitz was the fall guy. I thought the evidence was pretty compelling, but the book and the author were never taken too seriously. For anyone who has an interest in true crime as well as conspiracies I highly recommend this book. Oh, very interesting, I will have to read that book. I read the original edition of Ed Sanders "The Family", about the Manson murders. In it, he gets into the links between the Manson Family and The Process and Scientology. He had to remove those parts in later editions due to threats of lawsuits by The Process and (big surprise here) Scientology.
Don't torture yourself, Gomez. That's my job.
Posts: 1,097
Mar 6, 2005 18:59:31 GMT -4
Post by Door on Oct 9, 2007 14:06:28 GMT -4
Oh harveypenguin, you are awesome. Every day is a better day with a Bubba Ho-Tep reference!